Once again by ship, we left the continent to our next expedition to Jubany. For Hilke it would be the first trip to the Antarctic and we were both very excited, also because we were now travelling on board of the Polarstern.
On Monday morning at 6.30 the alarm clock woke me up from my 4 hours of sleep. I wanted to be present at the beach for the arrival of the research vessel Polarstern and assist with loading all our home-going cargo and say good-by to colleagues from the Jubany research group. [blog in English and Spanish]
Hi! I'm Mónica Susana Hoffmeyer, a general ecologist and who became a zooplankton ecologist through time.
Muchos dependemos de la navegación y el buceo para llevar a cabo nuestras actividades. Desde que llegamos a Jubany en diciembre, entendí que el viento es uno de los mayores condicionantes a la hora de trabajar en la caleta. [blog in Spanish and English]
Hace tan solo uno pocos años el retrocesos del Glaciar Fourcade (Próximo a la Base Jubany) ha dejado zonas descubiertas de hielo, entre ellas un conjunto de pequeñas islas en la Caleta Potter. [blog in Spanish and English]
Today I have been on the zodiac together with the Argentinean divers, Jorge, Sergio and Eduardo and Gaston in order to sample some cores from my 3 stations.
Finally after the troubleshooting of a few (quiet normal and easily expected in the “in field life”) technical problems, the sampling for the starting of my experiments has happened.
Somos Tamara Manograsso Czalbowski, del Instituto Antàrtico Argentino, y Patrick Monien, del Instituto de la Química y la Biología del Mar de Alemania. [blog in Spanish and English]
When we are reading the blog from Jubany, we feel a little sad that we could not be in Antarctica this year.
Ola! Yo soy Marta Sierra y formo parte del grupo de Oceanografía del Instituto Antártico Argentino. [blog in Spanish and English]