There are a lot of unwritten laws in nature and in experimental science. After the one that sais 'what can go wrong, will go wrong' there is the one that sais 'and the probabability that it will happen always is higher towards the end'.
In early October, the divers and the overwintering scientist Damián at the Carlini base made an excursion onto the sea ice near the glacier calving front of the Fourcade glacier.
After our rather late arrival at Jubany station, we first had to deal with several problems connected to the last overwintering crew like missing or broken equipment. But after a two weeks of reorganization and a lot of help of the present station's crew and commander, we find ourselves in the middle of a very nice and smooth campaign.
A rapid retreatment of Fourcade glacier could be associated with a significant increase of air temperature over the past 15 years in Potter Cove.
Besides the work we get to see a lot of wild life. This also means to watch out for Skua attacks from above, that remind of Alfred Hitchcocks "The Birds".
Hace tan solo uno pocos años el retrocesos del Glaciar Fourcade (Próximo a la Base Jubany) ha dejado zonas descubiertas de hielo, entre ellas un conjunto de pequeñas islas en la Caleta Potter. [blog in Spanish and English]
Para realizar nuestras investigaciones del balance de masa en el glaciar Fourcade, el glaciar próximo a caleta Potter, nuestros colegas Ulrike Falk y Matthias Braun han colocado unos sistemas de medición en el campo de hielo. [blog in Spanish and English]
Friday February 04, Hilke (IMCOAST diploma student) and I left for our next campaign to King George Island.
When I first came to Jubany in October 1995, the surroundings of the station were dominated by the huge Collins glacier.
We left Spain on December 31, 2010. Our first plane from Madrid to Santiago de Chile had its lift-off at 23:55h. Yes, shortly before the New Year started! The most economic option to fly to South America!