After roundabout ten hours of travelling from Buenos Aires, we arrived at King George Island in the evening of January 2nd. From Frei/Bellingshausen (the Chilean and Russian stations) we were brought to Carlini station by the Argentinian ship Castillo.
Unfortunately it was not possible for the caleta sailing team (aka Christian, Nina, Anne and Dolores), or Ilona and Jule to go out to work today. The wind was too strong. Steve, Tamara and I, however, braved it back to GPS Lake 15 to continue some lake coring.
Today was the best day yet - the most beautiful sunny day with blue skies, incredible to think I am in Antarctica and can get weather like it was today!
We starteted on October 26th in Hamburg to fly via Franfurt to Buenos Aires. On the 30th we took a bus to Mar del Plata which is a comfortable way to travel since the buses are very much like the first class in an aircraft.