In the first days here at Carlini station, the weather did not permit us to go out with the zodiacs - the wind was just too strong. But as soon as th the sun came out, I went for a walk around the station and was amazed, how green the island gets in the summer, when the snow had melted away.
Hace dos semanas se fueron Steve y Emma. Con ellos, durante todo el mes de noviembre estuvimos trabajando para obtener testigos (tubos) de sedimentos de dos lagos de península Potter (Isla 25 de Mayo-King George Island). [English translation - see below]
The last days have been very interesting in Jubany! The weather has improved a lot and we have been busy working in the Caleta.
This day was just another day in the row of stormy days that we are experiencing since I don't know when. But even without working in the cove, it gets hardly boring here.
Yesterday was one of the brightest days that I have ever experienced at Jubany. There was virtually no wind and the sea surface was very smooth. A day to go to the outer parts of Potter Cove. We could arrange that and off we went for a RoxAnn survey.
Let’s start with yesterday. It was one of those days, when you have to be ready for departure all the time - the weather is just good enough that you think you can get out, but bad enough that they don’t want to let you out. [blog in English and Spanish]
A rapid retreatment of Fourcade glacier could be associated with a significant increase of air temperature over the past 15 years in Potter Cove.
Here I would like to showyou how we sample plankton and measure the hydrographic conditions in Potter Cove, King George Island, Western Antarctic Peninsula.
Hi! I'm Mónica Susana Hoffmeyer, a general ecologist and who became a zooplankton ecologist through time.
Muchos dependemos de la navegación y el buceo para llevar a cabo nuestras actividades. Desde que llegamos a Jubany en diciembre, entendí que el viento es uno de los mayores condicionantes a la hora de trabajar en la caleta. [blog in Spanish and English]