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Green Antarctica...and the first day of sampling

Posted by Valeria Bers, AWI, Germany on 7 February 2013

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In the first days here at Carlini station, the weather did not permit us to go out with the zodiacs - the wind was just too strong. But as soon as th the sun came out, I went for a walk around the station and was amazed, how green the island gets in the summer, when the snow had melted away.

Wide areas are covered with all different kinds of lichens and mosses, forming a dense green carpet.


Then yesterday, I finally was able to go out sampling for the first time. The wind was still very strong, and going out with the boat was pretty rough. However, we were able to sample along a transect of eight station in the inner cove: Eduardo Ruiz and Marta Sierra from IAA took CTD profiles, while I took water samples for oxygen isotope analysis at the same station in various water depth.

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