IMCOAST Scientific Research
Work Packages (WP) with individual ESF-Projects (IP) and associated projects (AP)

WP-1: Coordination and data management
- IP-1: Coordination, project management and synthesis (Abele, AWI, Germany)
WP-2: Glacier melt and discharge dynamics
- IP-2: Spatio-temporal dynamics of glacier melt at KGI: measurements, observations, modelling (Falk, Bonn University, Germany)
- IP-3: KGI glacier discharge dynamics: response to regional warming (Dominguez & Eraso, Salamanca/Madrid, Spain)
- AP-1: Glacier melt on WAP (Arigoni, FURG, Brazil)
WP-3: Marine environmental changes
- IP-4: The coastal depositional environment in KGI fjord and bay systems (Hass & Kuhn, AWI, Germany)
- IP-5: Geochemical characterization and fate of the dissolved and particulate matter in Potter Cove (Maxwell Bay) (Brumsack & Schnetger, Oldenburg University, Germany)
- AP-2: Impact of glacier melting on plankton in coastal areas of the Antarctic Peninsula (Schloss, IAA, Argentina / ISMER, Rimouski, Canada)
- AP-3: Bivalves (Philipp, IKMB, Kiel, Germany)
- AP-4: Tunicates (Sahade, UN Cordoba, Argentina)
- AP-7: Sedimentary archives (Brumsack, ICBM, University Oldenburg, Germany)
- AP-8: Dissolved iron outwash to the Southern Ocean (Staubwasser & Kasten, Cologne University and AWI Bremerhaven, Germany)
- AP-11: Coastal geology and sedimentary environments (del Valle, Marenssi, IAA, Argentina)
- AP-13: Polar beach-ridges as climate archives (Quaternary of King George Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica) (Lindhorst, Hamburg University & Hass, AWI Sylt, Germany)
WP-4: Biological response to climate change
- IP-6: Sediment discharge effects on coastal meiobenthos composition and functioning, Potter Cove (Vanreusel, Ghent University, Belgium)
- IP-7: Impact of glacier melting on water column bio-systems, Potter Cove (Buma, Groningen University, The Netherlands)
- IP-8: Climate constraints of productivity and trophic structure in an Antarctic fjord ecosystem (Admirality Bay, KGI) (Tatur, Wasilowska, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland)
- AP-9: Bivalve archives of glacier melt (Dick, Abele, Brey, AWI Bremerhaven, Germany)
- AP-10: Antarctic macroalgae - response to change (Quartino, IAA, Argentina)