Somos Tamara Manograsso Czalbowski, del Instituto Antàrtico Argentino, y Patrick Monien, del Instituto de la Química y la Biología del Mar de Alemania. [blog in Spanish and English]
Somos un grupo de trabajo integrado por investigadores y alumnos de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba y del Institute of Low Temperature Science de Sapporo, Japón, que venimos con mucho empeño y entusiasmo a realizar una Campaña Antártica de Verano 2011 organizada por el Instituto Antártico Argentino. [blog in Spanish and English]
Saturday turned out to be the perfect day to eventually run the "SES-light" (the parametric echosounder) for the first time.
After a storm that brought us loads of snow, we took advantage of a short time slot to pass the 100-stations mark.
Today we tested the new winch, constructed by our colleagues from the workshop of NIOZ (Netherlands Institute of Marine Science) on the island of Texel, and it worked perfectly!
The automatic weather stations needed some more work like removing bugs from programming of data loggers and smaller changes in installations.
As soon as the weather allows us to work, we will install our equipment for hydroacoustic measurements on the zodiac.
On Friday, 12 November 2010, we started the meteorological measurements on Potter Glacier.