We are on Jubany Station for one and a half weeks now, Christmas is over and so far we had a lot of successful sampling of water from melt water streams and of Potter Cove.
Finally, after what had seemed half an eternity, we left Marambio. The Chilean Twin took us to Frei, the Chilean Antarctic Base. The flight was really nice and short. The view from the plane was spectacular; we could see amazing icebergs, colors and shapes from the air.
We lost our friend and colleague Alejandro Carlini who died the day before yesterday in Buenos Aires. With his intelligence, humour and his great heart he has guided many of us through stormy times and expeditions. We are sad and shocked.
El lunes 20 de diciembre perdimos a nuestro querido amigo y colega Alejandro Carlini, quien falleció en Buenos Aires. Con su inteligencia, su humor y su gran corazón compartimos experiencias y campañas. Estamos sumamente apenados y conmovidos por esta pérdida.
After a couple of days of packing our gear and belongings, and also after a couple of false alarms regarding the departure from Jubany, we made it from cold Antarctica to the summer heat of Buenos Aires.
After three days of waiting and travelling we arrived at Jubany.
Buenos Aires. This morning, after travelling 25 hours, we finally reached our first stage on our long journey to Antarctica.
After finishing the sidescan and grab-sampling programs, today, we went out to also finish the seismic work.
Our time on Jubany Station is almost over now - on Friday morning the leader of the base told us that we have to be ready for departure next Tuesday.
Saturday turned out to be the perfect day to eventually run the "SES-light" (the parametric echosounder) for the first time.
After a storm that brought us loads of snow, we took advantage of a short time slot to pass the 100-stations mark.