We are on Jubany Station for one and a half weeks now, Christmas is over and so far we had a lot of successful sampling of water from melt water streams and of Potter Cove.
The weather was quite good to collect all of our samples, despite of some days of snow storm. On the boat we took CTD (conductivity, temperature and density) profiles and measured pH, salinity, oxygen and temperature directly on the samples taken with a niskin bottle from different depths.
During our sampling tours we were escorted by some skuas, typical bird of Antarctica. They stayed for a while and did not fly away as we put the CTD in the water and continued taking samples.
After sampling we immediately filtered liters of water manually with syringes, which is a very hard job, because of the huge amount of sediments in the water. We measured the samples for macronutrients like phosphate, nitrate and nitrite mostly on the next day to get almost online results, so that we get directly an idea of what is going on in the cove.