Today was the best day yet - the most beautiful sunny day with blue skies, incredible to think I am in Antarctica and can get weather like it was today!
We ventured up to Lake Mateus today, through the snow drift from the last couple of days, equipped with shovels.
Today was full of blizzard and snow drift, very atmospheric but still not a good day to trek to our lake to do fieldwork. Instead Steve and I braved the elements to have a look at the lakes within the Jubany base area.
Let’s start with yesterday. It was one of those days, when you have to be ready for departure all the time - the weather is just good enough that you think you can get out, but bad enough that they don’t want to let you out. [blog in English and Spanish]
With one week of stormy weather everybody used the time to set up their equipment. Today we finally have the first day with almost no wind. [blog in English and Spanish]
We starteted on October 26th in Hamburg to fly via Franfurt to Buenos Aires. On the 30th we took a bus to Mar del Plata which is a comfortable way to travel since the buses are very much like the first class in an aircraft.
A rapid retreatment of Fourcade glacier could be associated with a significant increase of air temperature over the past 15 years in Potter Cove.
As an associated project to IMCOAST we are focussing on the ecology and ecophysiology of macroalgae in Potter Cove.
Besides the work we get to see a lot of wild life. This also means to watch out for Skua attacks from above, that remind of Alfred Hitchcocks "The Birds".
As soon the weather allowed we went straight onto the glacier to check out our weather stations.