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Top secret in Mar del Plata...

Posted by Ulrike Falk (ZFL), Germany on 21 October 2010

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Leaving Buenos Aires by bus direction to Mar del Plata was pretty uneventful. First, I was a bit anxious to sleep in order not to miss anything, but the landscape turned out to be infinetely vast and flat and flood, a birders paradise.

To other people it might relate pretty boring after some time. And time we had enough since the bus ride was nearly six hours...


On arrival in Mar del Plata, we passed really nice suburbs and took three (due to our tremendous amount of luggage) taxis to our hotel. This is the foto of one of them taken from the following. As I said: a LOT of luggage!


But we were rewarded with an ocean view from the terrace of our appartment and a beautiful shoreline. The Atlantik here is a bit rougher, but our efforts of travelling so far were rewarded with a beautiful day on the coast, since on arrival we learned that our ship was two days late and we could spend an hour at the beach today. Just in time before a big thunderstorm set in in the afternoon.



Weather still is somewhat stormy and rainy, and we are anticipating a pretty rough journey on ship not to mention expectations of an even rougher journey through the Drake Passage. Expected wave heights amount to up to 8m ...

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